The Great River Deeds:

NameCategory TypeReward Required
Ally to the Riders of Stangard The Great River Reputation Title: Defender of Stangard Skill: Riders of Stangard - Vendor Discount Deed: Friend to the Riders of Stangard
Beast Slayer The Great River Slayer
Beast Slayer (Advanced) The Great River Slayer Trait: Tolerance +1 Deed: Beast Slayer
Brigand-slayer The Great River Slayer
Brigand-slayer (Advanced) The Great River Slayer Trait: Wisdom +1 Deed: Brigand-slayer
Brown Lands Explorer The Great River Explorer Title: Explorer of the Brown Trait: Compassion +1
Discovery: Roots of Fangorn The Great River Explorer
Easterling-slayer The Great River Slayer
Easterling-slayer (Advanced) The Great River Slayer Trait: Valour +1 Deed: Easterling-slayer
Eorlsmead Explorer The Great River Explorer Title: Explorer of Eorlsmead Trait: Honour +1
Explorer of the Great River The Great River Explorer Title: Wanderer of the Anduin Trait: Zeal +1
Friend to the Riders of Stangard The Great River Reputation Title: Rider of Stangard Skill: Riders of Stangard - Travel Discount Deed: Known to the Riders of Stangard
Known to the Riders of Stangard The Great River Reputation Title: Warrior of Stangard
Limlight Gorge Explorer The Great River Explorer Title: Explorer of the Limlight Gorge Trait: Honesty +1
Orc-slayer The Great River Slayer
Orc-slayer (Advanced) The Great River Slayer Trait: Loyalty +1 Deed: Orc-slayer
Parth Celebrant Explorer The Great River Explorer Title: Explorer of Parth Celebrant Trait: Idealism +1
Quests of Brown Lands The Great River Rhovanion Title: Defender of the Brown Lands Trait: Fortitude +1
Quests of Eorlsmead The Great River Rhovanion Title: Hero of Eorlsmead Trait: Discipline +1
Quests of Great River The Great River Rhovanion Title: Hero of the Anduin Trait: Justice +1 Deed: Quests of Brown Lands
Quests of Limlight Gorge The Great River Rhovanion Title: Warrior of the Limlight Gorge Trait: Determination +1
Quests of Parth Celebrant The Great River Rhovanion Title: Avenger of Oaths Broken Trait: Confidence +1
Quests of Thinglad The Great River Rhovanion Title: Sentinel of Thinglad Trait: Fidelity +1
Quests of the Rushgore The Great River Rhovanion Title: Defender of the Rushgore Trait: Patience +1
Quests of the Wailing Hills The Great River Rhovanion Title: Friend of the Eagles Trait: Honesty +1
Rushgore Explorer The Great River Explorer Title: Explorer of the Rushgore Trait: Tolerance +1
Shade-slayer The Great River Slayer
Shade-slayer (Advanced) The Great River Slayer Trait: Honesty +1 Deed: Shade-slayer
Slayer of the Great River The Great River Slayer Deed: Orc-slayer
Spider-slayer The Great River Slayer
Spider-slayer (Advanced) The Great River Slayer Trait: Fidelity +1 Deed: Spider-slayer
Stangard Explorer The Great River Explorer Title: the Trespasser
Thinglad Explorer The Great River Explorer Title: Explorer of Thinglad Trait: Innocence +1
Titan-slayer The Great River Slayer
Titan-slayer (Advanced) The Great River Slayer Trait: Patience +1 Deed: Titan-slayer
Wailing Hills Explorer The Great River Explorer Title: Explorer of the Wailing Hills Trait: Mercy +1